

How do I find time to rest?

Rest should not be a bad four letter word, and yet in our day and age we have made it one! We seem to wear our badges of busyness with honor.

“How are things going?”

“Busy! So much to do.”

What would it look like for our conversions to be more like….

“How are things going?”

“So good! I spent yesterday just hanging out with Jesus and I feel so good and refreshed!” or “I went on a bike ride with friends and we had a picnic lunch just talking by the lake.”

I know. I can hear your objections. Mainly because I say them too.

But you don’t know HOW much I have to get done, or what I am expected to do, or…..

Yep. I get it. I have said that – just recently. I have made all the excuses, and I tend to not rest until I am forced to as I was a few weeks ago.

When my body gives out, I have no choice. My body cannot handle a lot compared to others because of the chronic stress I’ve had from trauma early on, but that should mean I rest more and not less!

If we are followers of Jesus, we are in a process of sanctification to become more and more like Him. So, how does that not involve rest?

In Genesis when God created all things, He rested on the seventh day. Now, here’s God who is all powerful, and has the ability to create everything on earth, and yet He rested. Why? Because He was setting an example for what He wants us to do.

All throughout the Gospels we see Jesus resting. In Mark 6 He and the disciples went away in a boat to get away from the crowds and refresh. He is seen going off to pray with His Father. Jesus, the Son of God, fully God and fully man, needed to rest to be able to fulfill His Father’s work.

So, how exactly do I think I can make it through life without rest?

It is so illogical.

Yet, because we live in a world that has media at our fingertips we are bombarded with business and with “addictions” we don’t realize. For example, did you know that social media, and all media for that matter, are created to keep you scrolling, and reading, and wanting more and more?

Yep, they knew exactly what would keep you on there. I mean, maybe I’m the only one who picks up the phone to do one thing and before I know it 45 minutes later I have no idea where the time went?

We were not created for this much information. Look at how God created us. For relationships. He created us ultimately to be in relationship with Him, but for relationships.

Yet we sacrifice those for our busyness. We don’t play games together or go on bike rides, hikes, or walks. Instead we sit and watch movies. I hate it when I walk into a restaurant and see people “eating” together and yet both with their heads bowed on their phones. Ugh! Put them down and focus on each other! Or why we think we have to be on the phone talking, texting or making videos (that one still amazes me) while driving????

We feel the need to constantly be doing something …or else we might feel what we don’t want to.

We are uncomfortable with the lack of busyness…that right there is a huge sign.

All of this is destroying us and is causing the increase in anxiety and depression we see skyrocketing.

What does REST look like?

Here is a reminder I created based on what God is sharing with me on incorporating REST into my life.

Don’t try to be perfect at this because I promise you won’t find it easy. Just start somewhere!

I highly recommend this book by John Eldredge on how to do this and more. “Get Your Live Back: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad” (I linked Amazon, but you can find inexpensive copies on ebay, or free through your library.)

This is so important I am going to be talking more about it soon!

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